
Harmony Healthcare Inc is committed to providing a wide range of activities and programs that promote wellness, growth, and engagement for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our activities are designed to cater to each individual’s unique interests and abilities, and our experienced staff ensures a safe and supportive environment for everyone to participate in.

Harmony Healthcare Inc offers educational and vocational programs to help individuals achieve their career goals and increase their independence. Our vocational rehabilitation counselors and job coaches provide career counseling, job readiness training, and support throughout the employment process. Also, for individuals with challenging behaviors, we offer behavioral support programs that help them learn coping mechanisms and develop positive behaviors.

In addition, we provide various recreational and leisure activities to promote socialization, creativity, and physical fitness. We also offer respite care services, which allow caregivers to take a break and recharge while their loved ones are engaged in fun and stimulating activities.

We take pride in our commitment to providing high-quality programs and services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. If you or a loved one is in need of recreational activities, vocational programs, or behavioral support, please contact us today. Let us work together to promote a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life for everyone we serve.